Lab Applicants

The lab will consider applications to join from graduate students and post doctoral fellows interested in studying spinal circuitry, motor diseases, or RNA-based biology. While a background in molecular biology and/or neuronal electrophysiology is advantageous, the lab is intended to serve as a training environment for students interested in learning more about mouse genetics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, animal behavior, virology, and/or electrophysiology. More important than past experience is motivation and ability to work well among the other scientists in the lab. Research projects can be interrelated and collaborations are common within the lab, but each scientist has their own separate line of experiments and research questions. My mentorship goal for students is to train them to become world class problem solvers in the process of making fundamental research discoveries. Post docs from the lab have a range of career goals with many aiming to have independent faculty positions which I facilitate by encouraging trainees to continue pursuing research they may have started in my lab.